The Authors

Achuta Kadambi

Asst. Professor, UCLA

Ramesh Raskar

Assoc. Professor, MIT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Computational Imaging
    1. What is Computational Imaging?
    2. Related Fields and Topics
      1. Roots in Astronomical Imaging
      2. Synergies with Medical Imaging
      3. Comparison with Computational Photography
    3. Current Impact
      1. Digital Imaging
      2. Medical and Health
      3. Space, Arial, and Military
      4. Consumer and Cell Phone Imaging
    4. Future Impact
  2. Classical Overview of Imaging
    1. Pinholes and Lenses
    2. Camera Parameters (Aperture, Exposure, etc.)
    3. Understanding Noise
  3. Computational Overview of Imaging
    1. Design Across Optics and Computer Science
    2. Optical Design Thinking
    3. Computational Design Thinking
  4. Spatially Coded Imaging
    1. Historical Highlight: X-ray Astronomy (1965)
    2. Coding the Aperture
    3. Coding the Sensor
    4. Coding the Illumination
    5. Compressive Imaging
    6. Ghost Imaging
  5. Temporally Coded Imaging
    1. Historical Highlight: Experiments by Galileo and Fizeau (1638, 1851)
    2. Time of Flight and LIDAR
    3. Methods using Optical Coherence
    4. Methods using Continuous Wave
  6. Lightfield Capture and Display
    1. Historical Highlight: Experiments by Galileo and Fizeau (1638, 1851)
    2. Camera Arrays
    3. Light Field Photography
    4. Light Field Displays
  7. Polarimetric Imaging
    1. Historical Highlight: The Vikings and their use of Polarization (700)
    2. Principles of Polarization
    3. Exploiting Linear Polarization
    4. Exploiting Circular Polarization
    5. Stokes Characterization
  8. Multispectral Imaging
    1. Historical Highlight: Roentgen and X-rays (1895)
    2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
    3. Computational Spectral Imaging
  9. Multi-illumination Imaging
    1. Historical Highlight: Lambert’s Photometria (1760)
    2. Photometric Stereo
    3. The Light Stage
  10. Towards a Complete Understanding of Light Transport
    1. What is Light Transport?
    2. Multipath Imaging
    3. Imaging around corners
    4. Imaging through scattering
  11. Fusion of Machine Learning and Image Capture
    1. Rethinking the Camera Pipeline with Data-driven Approaches
    2. Optical Neural Networks
    3. Emerging Trends
  12. Future of Imaging and Conclusions